Getting back to our roots , at Fire Farms Maui our goal is to provide
sustainable local food supply while restoring soil health through use of regenerative
natural farming techniques and promoting indigenous microorganism diversity.


Just a few photos of our delicious Maui grown veggies.

A Farm You Can Trust

Grown With Carbon Forward Techniques



100% Local

A Little About Fire Farms Maui

Fire Farms Maui was established by local farmers and gardeners with a passion for organic food production. With the prominence of invasive industrial agriculture techniques Fire Farms Maui sets itself apart with carbon forward practices that utilize the native microorganisms, soil and climate conditions that make Hawaii so special.

Upcountry Sun

Nestled on the south west facing slopes of Haleakala at 3000ft elevation Fire Farms soaks up over 12 hours of full Hawaiian sun every day!

World Class Peppers

Some of our scorpion pepper varieties have tested at over 2 million Scoville units, making them among some of the hottest peppers on earth!

Restorative approach

Fire Farms uses all natural, No till growing techniques to revitalize the natural microbial habitat, stop excess erosion and leave our soil healthier year after year.

Carbon Forward

Everything we do keeps our impact on the planet in mind , and the goal is to create a closed loop system where farm inputs are grown and produced on site and carbon waste is sequestered back into the soil to achieve true carbon neutrality

Sustainable Mentality

We use a variety of organic methods inspired by Korean Natural Farming, JADAM, and local experience to promote long term soil health. One of our top priorities is leaving the land better than we found it after each harvest .

30+ Years Experience

The founders of Fire Farms Maui have a collective 30+ years of experience with local natural food production and have come together to help provide reliable sustainable food products to local residents.